The Siderit Hibiscus Gin is a 50ml 5cl Bottle.
43% ABV.Siderit Hibiscus Gin is a Floral Gin made in Cantabria, northern Spain, distilled from rye alcohol. Its main feature is the floral character arising from a double maceration and a triple distillation in a fractional distillation column with reflux, in a complete glass equipment that eliminates foreign tastes and odors. Every distillation in these equipments of own design is equivalent to five distillations of a traditional alembic.
The Hibiscus Sabdariffa is a magic and exotic plant, native to tropical Africa cherished by the Caribbean due to its edible and aromatic calyx, as well as for its beneficial health properties.
Siderit Hibiscus Gin 50ml 5cl Miniature